16 N Main Street • Bel Air, MD 21014 • Phone: 410-638-3028
What is the primary function of the Liquor Control Board?
The most important function of the Harford County Liquor Control Board is to administer and enforce the provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Laws as contained in the Alcoholic Beverages (AB) Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland and the Board Rules and Regulations as prepared and adopted by the Liquor Control Board of Harford County, with particular emphasis on making certain that alcohol is kept out of the hands of underage persons.
What are the Applicant Qualifications necessary to apply for an alcoholic beveage license?
There are multiple qualifcations that must be met, which can vary according to how application is made.
At least one applicant who will be primarily responsible for the day-to-day operation of the licensed business. This means the applicant will serve as a manager or supervisor and be pnysically present on the premises for a substantial amount of time on a daily basis (a minimum of 30 hours per week). This applicant is known as the Responsible Operator Applicant.
Find out more about Applicant Qualifications here.
What are the requirements for obtaining a license to sell alcoholic beverages in a restaurant?
There are several different classes of restaurant licenses, each with specific requirements. Find out more about restaurant licenses here.
What is the process to change an officer on an alcoholic beverage license?
The process to change an officer on an alcoholic beverage license is as follows:
What are the requirements (including inventory) for a Class A1-BWL-Off Sale Only License?
A Class A1-BWL-Off Sale Only license permits the sale of all alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises only.
Holders of this type license shall provide a separate outside entrance for the use of off-sale customers if the majority of retail sales are of items other than alcoholic beverages. Additionally, if the business is predominately one of other types of retail sales, alcoholic beverages shall be displayed and purchased in an area separate and distinct from that of the other retail items. At the discretion of the Board, partitions may be required.
A minimum stock of $8,000 in alcoholic beverages, based on an average wholesale value, is required to be maintained at all times.
How do I obtain public information from the Liquor Control Board?
Anyone requesting information must complete the Public Informaton Request form, avaialble here.
16 N Main Street
Bel Air, MD 21014
Phone: 410-638-3028
Fax: 410-638-4970
(To report illegal activity in Harford County)
Phone: 410-638-3029
Fax: 410-638-4970
Except Holidays
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
16 N Main Street
Bel Air, MD 21014
Phone: 410-638-3028
Fax: 410-638-4970
Web Site Disclaimer - The Harford County Liquor Control Board website (HCLCB.ORG) is provided for informational purposes. While the information is intended to be accurate, please do not rely on its accuracy without confirming that information with a representative of the Harford County Liquor Control Board. Neither the Harford County Liquor Control Board, Harford County State Government, or the State of Maryland shall not be liable for any errors in the content, or for any action taken in reliance thereon. The Harford County Liquor Control Board is an Agency created by the State Legislature and is not an agency or department of Harford County, Maryland.
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